Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mosquito Watch: The Movie

I came home sick from the university the other day (intestinal distress is extra unpleasant in the bathrooms there) and I started watching “The Making of The Big Lebowski” (yes, the DVD situation is already that bad…I always assumed no one ever watches the version of the movie with voiceover from the cast and director but I’m positive we’ll get there and we’ll be sure to let you know how that goes). So anyway, inspired by the genius that is the Coen Brothers, I set out to test out the famous movie editing features of Brandt’s new Mac. We’ve made a few video clips during Robert Neville time (none those kinds of videos so no need to go there). They’re all me interviewing Brandt except this little gem that was written, directed, produced and staring me (well, my voice anyway) with a cameo by Brandt. Enjoy!

P.S. Let us know if you can’t view it. I’m not sure what format is best. This one can be played in Quicktime. UPDATE: the movie is too large to upload right now; we are working on a solution. Sorry!!


MOM said...

I haven't figured out how to get the movie, but hopefully Eric can figure it out for me. Is it better than the late 80's hit Robyn Does Washington? :)

Unknown said...

i can't see the movie either:(

Cris said...

I can't get the movie either...hunf!!! Hope all is well, and the intestinal distress has subsided. Miss you both, and hope to get to see the video soon. Everyone in the lab says "HI!!!!" back.
Hugs, Cris.

J said...

Did you guys get my text the other day? Uh, yeah, you can keep that one to yourselves.