Monday, February 4, 2008

Boogie the Mosquito Hunter

As many of you know, Brandt spent 4 years researching surface proteins that could potentially be used in the development of a malaria vaccine when he was at the National Institutes of Health. He’s hoping to get involved with more applied aspects of malaria research while here in Tanzania but for moment he is battling malaria one mosquito at a time. Despite the screened windows, our room at the guest house is a mosquito sieve. Brandt has been dutifully patrolling our room and the adjoining bathroom every night before we get ready for bed. He hunts down and curses out each individual mosquito in an attempt to prolong our malaria-free time in Tanzania. We are finding ourselves exhausted in the early evenings- probably some combination of the heat and the sensory overload and there’s nothing to do outside our room except getting eaten by mosquitos so we’ve been going to bed pretty early. Unfortunately, we’ve both been finding ourselves wide awake in the middle of the night. We think it’s the jet lag but the sleeping conditions are definitely not helping. Back home, Brandt and I jockey for space in our queen size bed. Here we’re sleeping on what seems to be the world’s smallest double bed walled in by our mosquito net and it’s 87 degrees and humid. (Thanks again Mom for the travel clock thermometer combo- it really helps to know just how hot and miserable we are). So we’re spending hours every night lying awake, held captive in our weaved prison. Quite frankly, it’s starting to make me a bit batty (think Jack in “The Shining”). In spite of our sophisticated mosquito control efforts, we’re still waking up with bites. We’ve found a few inside the net in the morning plus the we seem to get hit when we rest any body part against the net when we are sleeping. This is why when is finally purchase a net, we’ll treat it with insecticide—then those mosquitos that hangout on the net will die, die, die. I seem to be tastier than Brandt, my bites out number his two to one. With each new bite Brandt recalculates the completely made up odds that I now have malaria (he’s says I’m at 7% now). Time will tell.


The Issa said...

Wow, you guys are really there. I can't believe it! Very exciting, but I must say that you are missed here in SB. It's nice to be able to read about your amazing adventure on this blog. Thanks for sharing.
Brandt, keep up the good mosquito killing work. You better hurry up and find a cure though since Robyn's and your chance of getting Malaria is growing by the minute. Robyn, try and keep Brandt on the sainer side of things. Well, as much as can be expected for Brandt.
Stay safe and lots of love to you both.

Unknown said...

Wow. Like wow. Can we mail you some industrial strength insecticide? Wow. Did you bring a disc or two? Wow.

J said...

I can just see boog pacing angrily around your place, dropping f-bombs left and right, scheming on how to overcome the great mosquito threat. Robyn, playing her part and purely for her own enjoyment, is gently but persistently goading him into greater fits of anger. This is why I love you both.

Now I'm crying. That sucks. Kilimanjaro!

FYI-My goal is to leave a comment on each one of your entries.

MOM said...

Boy did I have a good hardy laugh reading these blogs at 5 AM! Robyn when you get home you could do a stand up comedy routine of your "adventures". After reading them all I could think of was you discussing with Brandt that my mother will never make it here.
Brandt if your plan to eradiicate malaria one mosquito at a time I think yo might want to change your occupation. Should I send a fly swatter or two? We could make you into a martial arts swatter man! Hiya!
Be safe, take care, and love ya bunches.

Frantz said...
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Frantz said...

Keep up the good fight Boog. One day, you will overcome there numbers with sheer determination!

Robyn, I agree with Scheil... I think you're enjoying it! :)

Miss you both.